Solving the Enigmatic Case of Highchart Reload Not Working but Disappearing
Image by Jaylyne -

Solving the Enigmatic Case of Highchart Reload Not Working but Disappearing

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of your Highchart not reloading, only to mysteriously disappear? You’re not alone! This article is here to guide you through the troubleshooting process, providing crystal-clear explanations and actionable steps to resolve this pesky issue once and for all.

What’s Causing the Disappearance Act?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s quickly explore the possible reasons behind this phenomenon. The culprits might be:

  • Incorrect chart configuration
  • Conflicting JavaScript libraries
  • DOM manipulation gone wrong
  • Async loading issues
  • Override of Highchart’s built-in functionality

Method 1: Verify Chart Configuration

Let’s start with the most common culprit: incorrect chart configuration. Double-check that you’ve followed the official Highchart documentation for creating a chart. Make sure you have:

<div id="container"></div>
  Highcharts.chart('container', {
    // chart options

Ensure that the container element has a valid ID and is present in the HTML. If you’re using a JavaScript framework like React or Angular, make sure you’ve properly integrated Highchart into your project.

Common Configuration Pitfalls

Watch out for these common mistakes:

  • Forgetting to include the Highchart JavaScript file
  • Incorrectly setting the chart type (e.g., line chart instead of scatter plot)
  • Failing to specify the data or series
  • Overriding essential chart options (e.g., `chart.width` or `chart.height`)

Method 2: Identify Conflicting Libraries

If your chart configuration is spotless, it’s time to investigate potential library conflicts. Highchart might be clashing with other JavaScript libraries or scripts on your page. To troubleshoot, try:

  1. Remove other JavaScript libraries one by one to isolate the issue
  2. Verify that you’re using the latest version of Highchart and other libraries
  3. Check for duplicate library inclusions (e.g., multiple Highchart versions)

If you’re using a modular framework like RequireJS, ensure that you’ve correctly configured the dependencies.

Method 3: DOM Manipulation Debugging

Sometimes, DOM manipulation can cause Highchart to disappear. To diagnose this issue:

  • Inspect the HTML element containing the chart using the browser’s developer tools
  • Verify that the chart container element still exists in the DOM
  • Check for any JavaScript errors in the console
  • Use the browser’s debugging tools to set a breakpoint on the chart’s container element

If you find that the container element is being removed or modified, review your JavaScript code to identify the culprit.

Method 4: Async Loading and Chart Rendering

Highchart can be finicky when it comes to async loading. To troubleshoot:

  // Async load Highchart
    url: '',
    dataType: 'script',
    success: function() {
      // Create the chart
      Highcharts.chart('container', {
        // chart options

Make sure you’re loading Highchart asynchronously and creating the chart only after the library has been fully loaded.

Method 5: Override of Built-in Functionality

Be cautious when overriding Highchart’s built-in functionality, as it can lead to issues. Review your code for any custom implementations that might be interfering with the chart’s behavior.

For example, if you’ve overridden the `` event, ensure that you’re not inadvertently removing the chart container or modifying the chart’s options.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If none of the above methods resolve the issue, try:

  • Clearing browser cache and cookies
  • Disabling any ad blockers or browser extensions
  • Testing the chart in a different browser or environment
  • Reaching out to the Highchart community or support team for guidance


By methodically following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing your Highchart from reloading correctly. Remember to verify chart configuration, identify potential library conflicts, debug DOM manipulation, and review async loading and custom implementations.

Method Description
Verify Chart Configuration Check chart options and-container element
Identify Conflicting Libraries Isolate and resolve library conflicts
DOM Manipulation Debugging Inspect and debug DOM changes
Async Loading and Chart Rendering Ensure correct async loading and chart creation
Override of Built-in Functionality Review custom implementations for interference

Don’t let the frustration of a disappearing Highchart get the best of you. With persistence and attention to detail, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the issue and creating stunning, interactive charts that impress and inform.

Happy charting!

Frequently Asked Question

Highcharts is a powerful tool for creating interactive charts, but sometimes it can be frustrating when the chart doesn’t reload as expected. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why does my Highchart disappear when I try to reload it?

This might happen if you’re using the `chart.redraw()` or `chart.reflow()` method without actually updating the chart data. Make sure to update the chart data before calling these methods to ensure a successful reload.

I’m using `chart.update()` to reload my chart, but it’s still not working. What’s going on?

Check if you’re passing the correct parameters to the `chart.update()` method. Ensure that you’re passing a valid options object that contains the updated chart data. Also, make sure that the chart container is not being removed or replaced during the update process.

I’m using a button to trigger the chart reload, but the chart disappears when I click the button. Why?

This might be due to the button click event causing a page reload or a full page refresh, which would remove the chart from the DOM. Try using `event.preventDefault()` or `return false` in your button click event handler to prevent the default page reload behavior.

I’m using Ajax to load new data for the chart, but the chart doesn’t reload with the new data. What am I doing wrong?

Make sure that the Ajax request is completing successfully and the new data is being retrieved correctly. Then, in the Ajax success callback function, update the chart data using the `chart.update()` or `chart.series[0].setData()` method, and finally call `chart.redraw()` to render the updated chart.

I’ve checked everything, but my chart is still not reloading. What else can I do?

Try using the Highcharts debugger tool to inspect the chart and its elements. This can help you identify any underlying issues or errors that might be preventing the chart from reloading. You can also check the browser console for any JavaScript errors or warnings that might be related to the chart.

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