How to Create a Table with Spaces in Column Name: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Create a Table with Spaces in Column Name: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky column names that refuse to cooperate with your database design? Do you find yourself stuck with column names that have spaces in them, making it difficult to access or manipulate the data? Fear not, dear reader! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you exactly how to create a table with spaces in column names, and provide you with the knowledge to tackle even the most stubborn database challenges.

Why Do Column Names with Spaces Matter?

In many cases, column names with spaces are unavoidable. Perhaps you’re working with a legacy database that was designed with spaces in the column names, or maybe you’re dealing with a third-party application that requires column names with spaces. Whatever the reason, it’s essential to know how to handle column names with spaces effectively.

Column names with spaces can cause issues when querying the database, especially when using SQL. For instance, if you have a column named “First Name”, SQL will interpret the space as a separator, treating “First” and “Name” as separate entities. This can lead to errors and make it challenging to access or manipulate the data.

Preparation is Key: Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of creating a table with spaces in column names, let’s cover some essential concepts. Make sure you have a solid grasp of the following:

  • SQL basics: You should be familiar with basic SQL syntax, including SELECT statements, column names, and data types.
  • Database management systems: Understand how your chosen database management system (DBMS) handles column names with spaces. Popular DBMS options include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle.
  • Column naming conventions: Familiarize yourself with the column naming conventions used in your DBMS of choice. Some DBMSes have specific rules for column names, including restrictions on characters, length, and syntax.

Creating a Table with Spaces in Column Names: The Step-by-Step Process

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s create a table with spaces in column names. We’ll use MySQL as our example DBMS, but the process applies to other DBMSes with minor adjustments.

Step 1: Create a New Database

Open your MySQL command-line client or graphical user interface (GUI) tool, such as phpMyAdmin. Create a new database or switch to an existing one:


Step 2: Create a New Table with Spaces in Column Names

Now, let’s create a new table called “customers” with three columns: “Customer ID”, “First Name”, and “Last Name”. Note the use of backticks (“) to enclose the column names with spaces:

CREATE TABLE customers (
  `Customer ID` int,
  `First Name` varchar(50),
  `Last Name` varchar(50)

In MySQL, backticks are used to enclose column names that contain spaces or special characters. This tells MySQL to treat the entire string, including the space, as a single column name.

Step 3: Insert Data into the Table

Insert some sample data into the “customers” table:

INSERT INTO customers (`Customer ID`, `First Name`, `Last Name`)
  (1, 'John', 'Doe'),
  (2, 'Jane', 'Doe'),
  (3, 'Bob', 'Smith');

Step 4: Query the Table with Spaces in Column Names

Now, let’s query the table to retrieve the data. We’ll use the same backticks to enclose the column names with spaces:

SELECT `Customer ID`, `First Name`, `Last Name`
FROM customers;

This should return a result set with the inserted data:

Customer ID First Name Last Name
1 John Doe
2 Jane Doe
3 Bob Smith

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to keep in mind when working with tables that have spaces in column names:

Quoting Column Names with Spaces

In addition to backticks, you can also use double quotes (“”) to enclose column names with spaces. However, double quotes are only supported in certain DBMSes, such as PostgreSQL and Oracle.

CREATE TABLE customers (
  "Customer ID" int,
  "First Name" varchar(50),
  "Last Name" varchar(50)

Using Aliases for Column Names with Spaces

If you find it cumbersome to enclose column names with spaces in backticks or double quotes, consider using aliases. Aliases allow you to assign a temporary name to a column or expression, making it easier to reference in your queries:

SELECT `Customer ID` AS cid, `First Name` AS fn, `Last Name` AS ln
FROM customers;

Impact on Performance and Maintenance

While creating tables with spaces in column names is technically possible, it’s essential to consider the potential impact on performance and maintenance. Tables with spaces in column names can lead to:

  • SLOWER QUERIES: Queries that involve columns with spaces may be slower due to the added complexity of parsing and processing the column names.
  • INCREASED ERROR RATES: Typos or incorrect column names can lead to errors, especially when working with complex queries or scripts.

To mitigate these risks, consider using meaningful and concise column names that avoid spaces and special characters. This will make your database design more maintainable and efficient in the long run.


Creating a table with spaces in column names is a manageable task, but it’s crucial to understand the implications and potential drawbacks. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to create tables with spaces in column names and work with them effectively. Remember to consider the performance and maintenance implications, and strive to design databases that are both functional and efficient.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of database design with confidence!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Creating tables with spaces in column names can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions and get ready to master the art of table creation!

Q: Why do I need to use backticks or brackets when creating a table with spaces in column names?

A: Ah, great question! When creating a table with spaces in column names, you need to use backticks (“) or brackets (`[]`) to enclose the column name. This is because spaces are not allowed in column names, and these special characters help the database distinguish between the column name and other keywords or identifiers. Think of them as giving your column name a special coat of armor to protect it from misunderstandings!

Q: Can I use double quotes instead of backticks or brackets?

A: Nope, double quotes won’t work in this case. Double quotes are used to enclose string values, not column names. If you try to use double quotes, you might get a syntax error or unexpected results. Stick with backticks or brackets to ensure your column names are safely enclosed!

Q: How do I create a table with multiple columns that have spaces in their names?

A: Easy peasy! When creating a table with multiple columns that have spaces in their names, simply enclose each column name with backticks or brackets, like this: `CREATE TABLE my_table (column one` `INT, column two` `VARCHAR(20), column three` `DATE);`. Just remember to separate each column definition with a comma, and you’re good to go!

Q: Can I use spaces in column names in all databases?

A: Actually, no. While many databases allow spaces in column names with the help of backticks or brackets, some databases don’t allow spaces at all. For example, Oracle and PostgreSQL don’t allow spaces in column names, even with backticks or brackets. Always check your database’s documentation to see what’s allowed and what’s not!

Q: Are there any best practices for naming columns with spaces?

A: Absolutely! When naming columns with spaces, it’s a good idea to use underscores (_) or camelCase to separate words instead of spaces. This makes your column names easier to read and maintain. For example, `column_one` or `columnOne` is better than `column one`. Additionally, try to keep your column names concise and descriptive, and avoid using special characters or keywords if possible.