Capacitor & Android Studio: Troubleshooting the “native-run failed with error” Issue
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Capacitor & Android Studio: Troubleshooting the “native-run failed with error” Issue

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Are you stuck with the dreaded “native-run failed with error” issue in Android Studio while trying to run your Capacitor-based app? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article is here to guide you through the troubleshooting process, helping you overcome this frustrating error and get your app up and running smoothly.

The Error: “native-run failed with error”

When you encounter the “native-run failed with error” issue, it usually means that there’s a problem with the native build process of your Android app. This error can be caused by a variety of factors, including misconfigured project settings, outdated dependencies, or even issues with your system environment.

Before We Dive In…

Before we start troubleshooting, make sure you’ve checked the following:

  • Capacitor is installed and configured correctly in your project.
  • Your Android Studio is up-to-date, and the Android SDK is properly installed.
  • Your system meets the minimum requirements for running Android Studio.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now, let’s dive into the troubleshooting process. Follow these steps to resolve the “native-run failed with error” issue:

Step 1: Check the Android Studio Logs

Open the Android Studio logs to identify the root cause of the error. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Open Android Studio and navigate to View > Tool Windows > Event Log.
  2. In the Event Log window, filter the logs by typing “native-run” in the search bar.
  3. Look for the error message that indicates the cause of the issue.

Take note of the error message, as it will help you identify the next steps to take.

Step 2: Check the Capacitor Configuration

Verify that Capacitor is correctly configured in your project. Make sure:

  • The capacitor.config.js file is present in the root of your project.
  • The file contains the correct configuration settings, including the Android platform.

Here’s an example of a basic capacitor.config.js file:

module.exports = {
  // Other configurations...
  android: {
    platforms: ['android']

Step 3: Update Capacitor and Its Dependencies

Outdated dependencies can cause issues with the native build process. Update Capacitor and its dependencies by running the following command:

npx cap update

This command will update Capacitor and its dependencies to the latest versions.

Step 4: Clear the Android Studio Cache

Sometimes, the Android Studio cache can become corrupted, leading to build issues. Clear the cache by following these steps:

  1. Close Android Studio.
  2. Delete the .gradle directory in your project’s root.
  3. Restart Android Studio.

This will force Android Studio to recreate the cache and resolve any potential issues.

Step 5: Check the Android SDK and NDK

Verify that the Android SDK and NDK are properly installed and configured. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Android Studio settings by navigating to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK.
  2. Verify that the Android SDK is installed and the correct version is selected.
  3. Check that the Android NDK is installed and the correct version is selected.

Make sure you have the necessary SDK tools installed, including the Android SDK Platform-Tools and Android SDK Build-Tools.

Step 6: Check the System Environment Variables

Verify that the system environment variables are set correctly. Follow these steps:

  1. Check if the ANDROID_HOME environment variable is set.
  2. Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set.

You can check the environment variables in your system settings or by running the following command:


If the variables are not set, set them accordingly:

export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/android/sdk
export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk

Step 7: Rebuild the Project

Finally, rebuild the project by running the following command:

npx cap build android

This command will rebuild the project and create a new APK file.

Common Issues and Solutions

Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Outdated Android SDK Update the Android SDK to the latest version.
Mismatched Android SDK and NDK versions Ensure that the Android SDK and NDK versions match.
Corrupted Android Studio cache Clear the Android Studio cache and restart the IDE.
Missing system environment variables Set the ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables.
capitaictor.config.js file issues Verify that the capacitor.config.js file is present and correctly configured.


That’s it! By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve the “native-run failed with error” issue and get your Capacitor-based app running smoothly on Android Studio. Remember to stay calm, be patient, and methodically work through each step to identify and fix the root cause of the issue.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Capacitor & Android Studio is not working on my PC: ‘native-run failed with error'”:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Capacitor and Android Studio on your PC? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Q1: What is the ‘native-run failed with error’ issue in Capacitor and Android Studio?

The ‘native-run failed with error’ issue occurs when there’s a problem with the Android Studio setup or the project configuration, preventing the Capacitor plugin from running natively on an Android device or emulator.

Q2: How do I fix the ‘native-run failed with error’ issue in Capacitor and Android Studio?

Try deleting the `node_modules` directory and running `npm install` or `yarn install` to reinstall the dependencies. Also, ensure that you have the correct Android SDK and emulator setup, and that your project configuration is correct.

Q3: What are some common reasons for the ‘native-run failed with error’ issue in Capacitor and Android Studio?

Common reasons include incorrect Android SDK setup, outdated Gradle version, missing or incorrect dependencies, and incorrect project configuration. Additionally, issues with the emulator or device connection can also cause this error.

Q4: How do I troubleshoot the ‘native-run failed with error’ issue in Capacitor and Android Studio?

Check the error message for specific clues, and try running the command with the `–verbose` flag to get more detailed output. Also, check the Android Studio and Capacitor logs for any errors or warnings.

Q5: Can I use a different emulator or device to fix the ‘native-run failed with error’ issue in Capacitor and Android Studio?

Yes, try using a different emulator or device to isolate the issue. If the problem persists, it might be related to the project configuration or dependencies, rather than the emulator or device.

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