Editing an Input on a Table Row Lose Focus in React: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Jaylyne - hkhazo.biz.id

Editing an Input on a Table Row Lose Focus in React: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating issue of losing focus on an input field when editing a table row in React? You’re not alone! This common problem has plagued many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into a step-by-step solution to this pesky issue.

Understanding the Problem

When you’re working with tables in React, it’s common to have input fields within table rows that allow users to edit data. However, when you click on an input field to edit it, the focus is often lost, and the input field becomes uneditable. This can be frustrating for users and can lead to a poor user experience.

The main reason for this issue is that React re-renders the entire table when the state changes, which causes the input field to lose focus. This is because React doesn’t know which input field to keep focused, especially when dealing with a large dataset.

Solution Overview

To solve this issue, we’ll use a combination of React state management, event handling, and custom component creation. We’ll create a custom `EditableTableRow` component that will manage the focus state and ensure that the input field remains focused even when the table is re-rendered.

Step 1: Create a Custom Component

Let’s create a custom `EditableTableRow` component that will wrap around our table row. This component will manage the focus state and ensure that the input field remains focused.

import React, { useState } from 'react';

const EditableTableRow = ({ children, rowIndex, columnIndex }) => {
  const [isEditing, setIsEditing] = useState(false);
  const [focusIndex, setFocusIndex] = useState(null);

  const handleEdit = (index) => {

  const handleBlur = () => {

  return (
      {React.Children.map(children, (child, index) => {
        if (isEditing && index === focusIndex) {
          return React.cloneElement(child, {
            onFocus: () => handleEdit(index),
            onBlur: handleBlur,
        return child;

export default EditableTableRow;

In the code above, we create a custom `EditableTableRow` component that takes in `children`, `rowIndex`, and `columnIndex` as props. We use the `useState` hook to create two state variables: `isEditing` and `focusIndex`. The `isEditing` state variable tracks whether the row is currently being edited, and the `focusIndex` state variable tracks the index of the input field that should be focused.

Step 2: Handle Editing and Blurring

In the code above, we define two event handlers: `handleEdit` and `handleBlur`. The `handleEdit` function is called when the user clicks on an input field, and it sets the `isEditing` state to `true` and sets the `focusIndex` to the index of the input field. The `handleBlur` function is called when the user blurs the input field, and it sets the `isEditing` state to `false`.

Step 3: Use the Custom Component

Now, let’s use our custom `EditableTableRow` component to wrap around our table row. We’ll also create a `TableCell` component to wrap around our table cells.

import React from 'react';
import EditableTableRow from './EditableTableRow';
import TableCell from './TableCell';

const TableComponent = () => {
  const data = [
    { id: 1, name: 'John Doe', age: 30 },
    { id: 2, name: 'Jane Doe', age: 25 },
    { id: 3, name: 'Bob Smith', age: 40 },

  return (
        {data.map((row, rowIndex) => (
            {Object.values(row).map((cell, columnIndex) => (
ID Name Age
); };

In the code above, we use our custom `EditableTableRow` component to wrap around our table row, and our custom `TableCell` component to wrap around our table cells. We also pass the `rowIndex` and `columnIndex` props to the `EditableTableRow` component, which will be used to track the focus state.

Step 4: Add CSS Styling (Optional)

If you want to add some CSS styling to make your table look more visually appealing, you can add the following styles:

table {
  border-collapse: collapse;
  width: 100%;

th, td {
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: left;

th {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;

tr:nth-child(even) {
  background-color: #f2f2f2;

 input[type="text"] {
  width: 100%;
  padding: 10px;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;


And there you have it! With these steps, you should now have a React table component that allows users to edit input fields without losing focus. By using a combination of React state management, event handling, and custom component creation, we’ve created a seamless editing experience for our users.

Additional Tips and Variations

If you want to take your table editing experience to the next level, here are some additional tips and variations you can try:

  • Use a more advanced input component: Instead of using a simple `input` element, you can use a more advanced input component like React Select or React Autocomplete.
  • Implement undo and redo functionality: You can implement undo and redo functionality by using a library like Redux or MobX to manage your app’s state.
  • Use a library like React Table: If you’re dealing with a large dataset, you can use a library like React Table to optimize performance and improve user experience.

We hope this guide has been helpful in solving the pesky issue of losing focus on an input field when editing a table row in React. Happy coding!

Keyword Description
Editing an Input on a Table Row Lose Focus in React Learn how to solve the common issue of losing focus on an input field when editing a table row in React.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you tired of dealing with frustrating focus issues when editing input on a table row in React? We’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate this common problem.

Why does the input field lose focus when I edit a table row in React?

When you edit a table row in React, the input field loses focus because the row is re-rendered, causing the input field to unmount and remount. This behavior is due to the way React handles state changes and DOM updates.

How can I prevent the input field from losing focus when editing a table row in React?

One way to prevent the input field from losing focus is to use a technique called “keyed rows”. By assigning a unique key to each row, React can preserve the input field’s focus even when the row is re-rendered. You can also use a library like React-Beautiful-DND to help manage the focus.

Can I use React Hooks to solve the focus issue when editing a table row?

Yes, you can use React Hooks to solve the focus issue. One approach is to use the `useRef` hook to create a reference to the input field and then use the `useEffect` hook to focus the input field when the row is re-rendered.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when editing a table row in React?

Some common pitfalls to avoid include not using a unique key for each row, not preserving the input field’s focus, and not handling the row’s re-rendering correctly. Additionally, make sure to test your code thoroughly to avoid unexpected behavior.

Are there any libraries or tools that can help me manage table row editing in React?

Yes, there are several libraries and tools that can help you manage table row editing in React, such as React Table, React Data Grid, and Material-UI Table. These libraries provide features like row editing, sorting, and filtering, making it easier to build complex table-based interfaces.

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